Jeff & Chrystal Enns
We are Jeff & Chrystal Enns [Est. October 2012 ;)] & we have been blessed (so far) with one 4 year old son. Just to clear the air, we sadly don’t speak French, play hockey, drink maple syrup & don’t have our own sled-dog team. We do however, have a Golden Retriever Lab mix ‘puppy’ who looks like he is part horse and definitely could pull a sled.
Our individual upbringings were not the same (Christian and non) however, we noticed that there were times where we both experienced our parents trying to control, manipulate or make decisions for us based in fear. Spoiler alert, after having our son we started to realize those same ‘parenting skills’ became our ‘defaults’ and we were bringing them into our home!
Thankfully, it is God who designed families and He desires for our families to flourish! We believe worshiping the Lord with our parenting and how we cultivate our home is the key to having access to the PERFECT FATHER & seeing all He desires for our families to come to fruition. The Lord longs for us to tune into what He is saying about our families & for us be led by His Spirit.
We believe that being Spirit-Led parents isn’t some ‘10 step’ process that comes with a map in a language you don’t understand. Like the Gospel, it is simple and by being Spirit-Led parents we can be a place of shelter - not prison, peace - not chaos, influence - not control, enjoyment - not tolerance, fun - not misery, forgiveness- not bitterness and so much more!
If you are ready to be Led by the Spirit, set boundaries that bring your family life & find the vision God has dreamed for your family, we would love to connect and come alongside you.
God didn’t create us to do anything alone. We are created to commune with the Holy Spirit and live in community with one another. Together, we become more of the people and families God has created us to be.
God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! - Ephesians 3:20 MSG